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Applications open for latest round of CoPILOT: program offers WL faculty expert assistance and funding for developing new online courses

Purdue University Online is accepting applications for the summer and fall 2024 sessions of CoPILOT (Cohort Program for Innovation and Leadership in Online Teaching). This program provides expert assistance and funding to Purdue West Lafayette instructors developing new online courses. 

CoPILOT enables Purdue West Lafayette instructors to both develop and deliver best-in-class online courses in a scalable, collaborative, community environment. By the end of the program, participants will develop a ready-to-teach, accessible online course in Brightspace using research-backed online course pedagogy. 

Beginning in May, Summer CoPILOT participants will meet virtually with their cohort in 60-minute weekly sessions for 13 weeks, including: 

  • One week for program kickoff  
  • Ten weeks for course design and development 
  • Two weeks for course review and feedback implementation 

Instructors will receive expert support from Purdue University Online instructional designers and video producers. Participants will be expected to complete tasks and assignments prior to the course meetings and to plan for approximately five hours a week of work outside the meetings. Instructors are awarded a $5,000 stipend for completing a course through CoPILOT. 

Through individual and collaborative work, CoPILOT participants enhance their ability to:  

  • Develop course outcomes and learning objectives.   
  • Design assessments and activities aligned to outcomes and objectives, and appropriate for online delivery.   
  • Determine and design course content that incorporates research-based practices for online teaching into course design.   
  • Familiarize themselves with Purdue University Online functional areas.   
  • Identify and determine best practices for online course delivery.  

To join this semester-long online instructor development program, Purdue West Lafayette instructors for online courses may submit an electronic application. Applications for the summer and fall 2024 sessions are being accepted. Summer applications are due March 8, 2024. Applications for future semesters are accepted on a rolling basis.  

Please notify your department head and college administrative lead (see list below) if you are interested in applying.  

Purdue University Online College administrative leads: 

More details are available on the CoPILOT web page. For additional information on the program, contact Connie Hahn at or Eric de Araujo at